• Counter :
  • 1729
  • Date :
  • 2/3/2007

Iranian art works sold more than $1 million in Christie

The Iranian artistic works were sold for the overall sum of about 1 million and 200 thousand dollars in the Christie art auction, Dubai.

The calligraphic work "Divine Names" by the Iranian artist Mohammad Ehsaie, the sculpture of "Nothing" by Parviz Tanavoli and the "God is Great" painting by Farhad Moshiri each sold for 102 thousand dollars, broke the prices record in the history of Iran"s art sale.

Also 4 works of the Iranian photographer and filmmaker, Shirin Neshat were auctioned for 22, 38, 30, 5o thousand dollars and sold with a 20 percent rise, while another Iranian artist, Abbas Kiyarostami"s "The White Snow" photograph was sold for 38500 dollars.

Experts believe the prices on the works of Middle East artists are moderately accelerating.

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