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  • Date :
  • 6/10/2014

Iran to unveil indigenous Fateh submarine soon: Cmdr.

commander of the iranian navy rear admiral habibollah sayyari

Commander of the Iranian Navy Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari says the Islamic Republic will be unveiling the domestically designed and built Fateh (Conqueror) submarine in the next few months to ensure maritime security for Iranian vessels.

“Following the manufacture of Ghadir submarine by Iranian experts at the Islamic Republic of Iran Navy, Fateh submarine will be put on display at the beginning of the next (Iranian calendar) year (starting March 21),”‌ Sayyari said during a ceremony in the southern Iranian port city of Bushehr, situated  some 1,200 kilometers (746 miles) south of Tehran, on Sunday.

Iran has so far launched different classes of advanced submarines, including Fateh, Ghadir, Qaem and Nahang.

In September 2012, Iran's Navy launched the super-heavy Tareq 901 submarine overhauled by Iranian experts.

Ghadir submarine was first unveiled in 2007. The 120-ton submarine has excellent shallow depth performance and can conduct prolonged coastal missions and launch torpedoes.

Sayyari further noted, “Given the strategic and enormous benefits of seas for Iran, we should avail ourselves of God-given sea resources in line with sea-based development.”‌

He said Iranian naval forces have been conducting anti-piracy patrols in an area extending from the Indian Ocean to the Horn of Africa off the coast of Somalia, expressing hope that establishment of maritime security in the area would help more economic benefits be reaped .

In recent years, Iran’s Navy has been increasing its presence in international waters to protect naval routes and provide security for merchant vessels and tankers.

The Islamic Republic has repeatedly asserted that its overseas naval presence is meant to convey a message of peace and friendship to regional countries.

In line with international efforts against piracy, the Navy has also been conducting patrols in the pirate-infested Gulf of Aden since November 2008 in order to safeguard merchant containers and oil tankers owned or leased by Iran or other countries.

Source: presstv.com

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