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  • Date :
  • 3/8/2013

West sanctions can’t harm cooperation with Iran: Indonesian min

indonesian state enterprises minister dahlan iskan

Indonesian State Enterprises Minister Dahlan Iskan has underscored Jakarta’s determination to continue cooperation with Iran in defiance of the West’s embargos against Tehran over its nuclear energy program.

Indonesia does not fear the sanctions and it will continue its cooperation with Iran, Iskan, who was accompanied by Iran’s Ambassador to Indonesia Mahmoud Farazandeh, told reporters on the sidelines of visiting Merdeka news center in Jakarta.

The Indonesian minister praised Iran for making headway in path of development despite the West’s heavy embargoes and pointed to Tehran’s achievements over the recent years as a testament to this fact.

Resorting to the forged allegations of non-civilian dimensions to Iran’s nuclear energy program, Washington and Brussels have slapped several rounds of illegal unilateral embargoes against Tehran.

Iskan praised Iran’s breakthroughs in the advanced technologies which have prompted the international companies to become key customers of Iranian products.

The Iranian ambassador, for his part, praised Indonesia as a revolutionary, friend and brother nation and noted that the Iranian and Indonesian governments have always sought to enhance mutual ties based on that understanding.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Farazandeh lashed out at the West for its efforts to “monopolize the state-of-the-art technologies.”‌

The Iranian diplomat pointed to Iran’s remarkable scientific background and the nation’s potential to bridge the existing technological gap with the West and argued that the Western animosity towards Iran is rooted in its awareness of that historical fact.

Source: presstv.com

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