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Ahadith narrated by members of the purified progeny of Holy Prophet (PBUH) about Imam Ali (A.S): part 4

imam ali (a.s)

23) In his Amali, al-‌Saduq has also quoted one hadith correct through Isnad related by Ibn Abbas who quotes the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) saying: "O people! Whose words are better than Allah's? Your Lord, Mighty is His Grace, has commanded me to assign Ali over you as the most outstanding Imam, as my own successor and executor of my will, and that you should regard him as my brother and vizier."

24) In his Amali, al‌-Saduq also quotes one hadith correct through Isnad narrated by Abu Ayyash who says: "The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) once ascended the pulpit and delivered a sermon in which he said: `My cousin Ali is also my brother, vizier, successor, and the one who pays my dues on my own behalf.'" (This hadith, together with the four preceding it, is quoted from al-Saduq's Ghayat al-Maram. These are quite lengthy, and we have quoted from them whatever testifies to our argument. As regarding the ahadith which succeed it, they are to be found in Chapter 13 of Ghayat al-Maram).

25) In his Amali, al‌-Saduq has also quoted one hadith correct through Isnad reported by the Commander of the Faithful who says: "Once, the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) delivered a sermon in which he said: `O people! The month of Allah has approached,' and he continued his sermon recounting the attributes of the month of Ramadan. I asked: `O Messenger of Allah! What is the best of deeds in this month?' He replied: `It is staying away from whatever Allah has forbidden you,' then he burst weeping, so I inquired: `What grieves you, O Messenger of Allah?' and he answered: `O `Ali! I am grieving at what horrible forbidden things that will happen to you in the same month,' adding, `You are my wasi, the father of my descendants, and my successor over my nation during my lifetime and after my death; your bidding is as good as mine, and so is your forbidding.'"

26) In his Amali, al-‌Saduq has quoted another hadith narrated by Imam Ali (A.S), thus: "The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) has said: `O `Ali! You are my brother and I am yours; I have been chosen to be the Prophet while you have been chosen to be the Imam; I take charge of the revelation [of the Holy Qur’an] while you take charge of its implementation; you are the father of this nation. O `Ali! You are my wasi and vicegerent, my vizier and heir, and the father of my offspring.'"

27) In his Amali, al‌-Saduq has also quoted one hadith the Isnad of which is authentic as transmitted by Ibn Abbas who says: "While the Ansar were assembling at Quba Mosque, the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: `O `Ali! You are my brother and I am yours; you are the executor of my will and my own successor, and the Imam of my nation after me: Allah will assist whoever assists you, and He will be the enemy of whoever antagonizes you.'"

28) In his Amali, al‌-Saduq has also quoted a lengthy hadith narrated by Ummu Salamah in which the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) addresses her thus: "O Ummu Salamah! Listen and bear witness: This `Ali ibn Abu Tlib is the executor of my will; he is my successor, the one who tries my enemies, and the one who safeguards my Pool [of al‌-Kawthar]."

29) In his Amali, al-‌Saduq has also quoted Salman al-Farsi saying, "I have heard the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) saying: `O Muhajirun and Ansar! Shall I lead you to that which, as long as you adhere to, shall never let you stray after me?' They said: `O yes, Messenger of Allah!' He (PBUH) said: `This `Ali is my brother and the executor of my will, my vizier, heir and successor; he is your Imam; therefore, love him as much as I love him, and respect him as much as I respect him, for Gabriel has enjoined me to say so to you.'"

30) In his Amali, al-‌Saduq has also quoted through Isnad one hadith related by Zayd ibn Arqam in which the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) is quoted saying: "Shall I lead you to that which, as long as you adhere to, will protect you against annihilation and straying? Your Imam and wali is `Ali ibn Abu Talib (A.S); therefore, does support him, listen to his counsel, and believe in him, for Gabriel has ordered me to say so to you."

Al-Muraja'at by Allamah Seyyed 'Abd al-Hussein Sharaf al-Din al-Musawi

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Imam Ali (A.S) is Holy Prophet’s Heir

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